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4 - 18 Co-educational Independent School
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History of Arnold Lodge

In About Arnold Lodge

Arnold Lodge School has a rich history. We’re proud of our past, but we look to the future to ensure that we equip all of our pupils with the skills and confidence necessary to succeed.

Our History

  • Arnold Lodge School was founded in September 1864 by Alfred Kirk, a former Assistant Master at Leamington College.
  • The school is named in honour of Dr Thomas Arnold, the distinguished English educator, historian and Headmaster of Rugby School from 1828 – 1842.
  • During Jonathan Hall's leadership as Headteacher (1963 – 1991), numbers increased and the school became known for academic excellence and for high standards in music, art, drama and sport. 
  • In 1972, the Douglas and Eileen Hall Building was opened by the Secretary of State for Education and Science, the Rt. Hon Mrs Margaret Thatcher. In her speech she said "I know our inspectorate hold this school in very high regard and it is of a very high reputation". 
  • In 1977 the boys' only policy was abolished and girls were welcomed to the school. 
  • Entrepreneur Wynford Dore and educationalist Gareth Newman, acquired Arnold Lodge in 1999 and are the current proprietors of the school. 
  • Originally the only prep school in Warwickshire, Arnold Lodge School extended its admission age to GCSE students in 2008.
  • A new Sixth Form was added to the school in 2013, and currently the school is housed across a mix of Victorian and modern buildings, with more than 450 day pupils aged between 4 and 18.
  • Arnold Lodge School celebrated its 150th anniversary in 2014.

While we’re proud of our heritage and traditions at Arnold Lodge School, we look to the future and aren’t afraid to be different, to innovate and to lead the way in order to secure the best education for all of our pupils.

The Directors of the school, Mr Newman and Mr Dore, play an active part in the life of the school; Mr Newman’s vast experience in education (Mr Newman was a Headteacher and worked as an advisor to the DfE) and Mr Dore’s experience as an entrepreneur ensures Arnold Lodge continues to be a pace-setter in the independent sector. Mr Dore and Mr Newman’s generosity, passion for education, vision and support are a central part of Arnold Lodge School's success.
